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Coconut oil for your skin

Is coconut oil good for your skin?

Coconut oil is a fat type with many health benefits. This article looks at the evidence to determine whether coconut oil is also good for your skin.

This article is based on scientific evidence, written by experts, and fact-checked by experts.
We look at both sides of the argument and strive to be objective, unbiased, and honest.
Is coconut oil good for your skin?
Last updated on October 1, 2023, and last reviewed by an expert on September 13, 2022.

Coconut oil is a type of fat that has been touted for its health-promoting properties.

Is coconut oil good for your skin?

From decreasing LDL cholesterol levels to improving brain function in Alzheimer’s patients, coconut oil is associated with many health benefits.

Several studies have even found it might also benefit skin health.

This article looks at the evidence to examine whether coconut oil is good for the skin.

In this article

What is coconut oil?

Coconut oil is a highly saturated oil traditionally made by extracting the oil from raw coconuts or dried coconut kernels.

At room temperature, it’s solid, but when heated, it can soften or even melt.

It’s frequently used in cooking or applied to the skin and hair.

Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids, a form of saturated fat. These medium-chain fatty acids make up about 65% of their total composition.

The fatty acids found in coconut oil include:

Although coconut oil is about 90% saturated fat, it also contains small amounts of mono and polyunsaturated fats. One tablespoon contains about 12 grams of saturated fat and 1 gram of unsaturated fat.

Summary: Coconut oil is used in cooking but can also be applied to the skin or hair. It’s rich in saturated fat and medium-chain fatty acids, especially lauric acid.

Coconut oil can kill harmful microorganisms

The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil have antimicrobial properties that can help protect against harmful microorganisms.

This is especially important for skin health, as many skin infections, including acne, cellulitis, folliculitis, and athlete’s foot, are caused by bacteria or fungi.

Applying coconut oil directly to the skin may prevent the growth of these microorganisms.

This is due to its lauric acid content, which makes up nearly 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil and can fight harmful microorganisms.

One study tested the antibacterial properties of 30 types of fatty acids against 20 different strains of bacteria. Lauric acid was found to be the most effective at blocking the growth of bacteria.

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Another test-tube study showed that lauric acid could kill off Propionibacterium acnes, a type of bacteria that develops inflammatory acne.

Furthermore, capric acid is another medium-chain fatty acid found in coconut oil, although to a lesser extent. Like lauric acid, capric acid has been shown to have potent antimicrobial properties.

A test-tube study showed that both lauric and capric acid effectively killed off strains of bacteria.

Another test-tube study demonstrated the anti-fungal effects of capric acid, showing that it could inhibit the growth of certain types of fungi.

Summary: The fatty acids found in coconut oil have antimicrobial properties that effectively kill bacteria and fungi.

Coconut oil could reduce inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a significant component of many skin disorders, including psoriasis, contact dermatitis, and eczema.

Interestingly, coconut oil has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

In one study, researchers applied virgin coconut oil to the inflamed ears of rats. Not only was coconut oil found to have an anti-inflammatory effect, but it also relieved pain.

Moreover, coconut oil may ease inflammation by improving its antioxidant status.

Antioxidants work by stabilizing free radicals in the body, neutralizing the reactive atoms that can contribute to inflammation.

A 2013 animal study fed rats different types of oil, including coconut oil, olive oil, and sunflower oil. At the end of the 45-day study, virgin coconut oil had improved antioxidant status and prevented oxidative stress to the greatest extent.

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It’s important to remember that most current research is limited to animal and test-tube studies, so it’s hard to know how these results may translate to humans.

However, based on these studies, coconut oil shows great potential in reducing inflammation when consumed or applied to the skin.

Summary: Animal studies have shown that coconut oil may relieve inflammation by improving antioxidant status and decreasing oxidative stress.

Coconut oil may help treat acne

While some think coconut oil clogs pores, considerable research shows it might help treat acne.

Acne is an inflammatory condition, and many medications used to treat it work by targeting and reducing inflammation.

Because coconut oil and its components may help reduce inflammation in the body, it may also aid in treating acne.

Furthermore, the antibacterial properties of the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil could also help reduce acne.

Numerous studies have shown that lauric acid, which accounts for nearly half of the fatty acids in coconut oil, has been shown to kill off the strain of bacteria linked to acne.

Test-tube and animal studies have shown that lauric acid is more effective than benzoyl peroxide at preventing the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

Along with lauric acid, capric acid has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

A 2014 animal and test-tube study showed that both lauric and capric acid successfully reduced inflammation and prevented acne by killing off bacteria.

To get the best results, coconut oil should be applied directly to the skin in areas where acne is found.

Summary: Coconut oil’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and its components could help treat acne.

Coconut oil can moisturize dry skin

In addition to its effects on acne and inflammation, applying coconut oil to your skin can also help keep it hydrated.

One study in patients with mild to moderately dry skin compared the effects of coconut oil to mineral oil, a type of oil made from petroleum that’s often used to treat dry skin.

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The two-week study found that coconut oil significantly improved skin hydration and was just as effective as mineral oil.

It has also been shown to help treat eczema, a skin condition characterized by scaly, itchy rashes.

A study comparing the effects of olive oil and coconut oil in 52 adults with eczema found that applying coconut oil helped reduce dryness, in addition to helping treat eczema.

Another study found similar results, showing that coconut oil led to a 68% decrease in eczema severity, making it significantly more effective than mineral oil in treating eczema.

Keeping your skin hydrated can help preserve its function as a barrier to keep out bacteria, promote the healing of scars and maintain overall skin integrity.

Summary: Coconut oil can be an effective moisturizer and aid in treating dry skin and eczema.

Coconut oil may help with wound healing

Several studies have demonstrated that coconut oil may also aid wound healing.

One animal study examined how coconut oil applied to the skin affected wound healing in rats.

It found that treating the wounds with virgin coconut oil sped up healing, improved antioxidant status, and increased levels of collagen, an essential protein that aids in wound healing.

Another animal study showed that coconut oil and an antibiotic applied to the skin effectively healed burn wounds.

In addition to improving wound healing, its antimicrobial properties may also prevent infection, one of the significant risk factors that can complicate the healing process.

Summary: Animal studies have shown that coconut oil may help accelerate wound healing.

Who shouldn’t use coconut oil?

While research shows coconut oil can benefit skin health, applying it to the skin may not be ideal for everyone.

For example, oily skin may want to avoid doing so, as it may block pores and cause blackheads.

As with most things, trial and error may be the best approach to determine if coconut oil works for you.

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Additionally, if you have sensitive skin, use a small amount or apply it only to a small section of skin to ensure it doesn’t cause irritation or blocked pores.

Yet, eating and cooking with coconut oil is generally not a problem for most people.

If you have oily or highly sensitive skin, consider adding coconut oil to your diet to take advantage of its benefits.

Summary: Coconut oil could potentially clog pores. Using a small amount and slowly testing your tolerance to it is recommended for those with oily or sensitive skin.

Which type of coconut oil is best?

Coconut oil can be produced through dry or wet processing.

Dry processing involves drying coconut meat to create kernels, pressing them to extract the oil, then bleaching and deodorizing them.

This process forms refined coconut oil with a more neutral scent and a higher smoke point.

In wet processing, coconut oil is obtained from raw coconut meat — instead of dried — to create virgin coconut oil. This helps retain the coconut scent and results in a lower smoke point.

While refined coconut oil may be better suited for cooking at high temperatures, virgin coconut oil is better for skin health.

Not only does most of the existing research focus specifically on the effects of virgin coconut oil, but there’s also evidence that it may have added health benefits.

A 2009 animal study found that virgin coconut oil improved antioxidant status and increased the ability to neutralize disease-causing free radicals, compared to refined coconut oil.

Another test-tube study showed that virgin coconut oil had a more significant amount of inflammation-reducing antioxidants and an improved ability to fight free radicals compared to refined coconut oil.

The results of these two studies indicate that virgin coconut oil may be more effective than refined coconut oil at preventing oxidation and neutralizing free radicals, which can damage cells and lead to inflammation and disease.

Summary: Virgin coconut oil may be a better choice than refined coconut oil, given that it provides added health benefits like improved antioxidant status.


Although the health benefits of eating coconut oil are well-studied, research on its effects on the skin is mainly limited to animal or test-tube studies.

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However, coconut oil may be linked to some potential benefits for the skin, including reducing inflammation, keeping skin moisturized, and helping heal wounds.

The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also possess antimicrobial properties that can help treat acne and protect the skin from harmful bacteria.

If you have oily or highly sensitive skin, start slowly to assess your tolerance, and consult with a dermatologist if you have any concerns.

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